SLR Output Table, Graph, and Residual Plot


Business, Production, and The Environment is a 400-level course at State College. Student grades are based on the following 4 assessments:

*The semester is 16 weeks long.Total Grade:             100


You will analyze the relationship between the Points earned for one of the following pairs:






1. Open the Excel SLR Tool Kit (provided with the Assignment).
2. Follow Steps 1, 2, and 3 on the SLR Input Data-Locked sheet.
3. The SLR Output Table & Graphs sheet will create an SLR Output Table, SLR Graph, and Residual Plot.
4. You will need to format the SLR Graph and Residual Plot –> See Below.

SLR Output Table —

5. Put a descriptive title in the top, grey, row of the table (Cells B2 – F2).

SLR Graph — Formatting

6. Click anywhere on the graph.
7. Select Chart Design from the ribbon bar.
8. Select Add Chart Element
                A\ Add a Descriptive Chart Title
                B\ Add X & Y axis Labels
                C\ Format anything to your liking – data point colors\size, font, chart color, gridlines, etc.

9\ Add the Regression Equation and RSQ to your chart:

      A\ Right click on the trendline
      B\ Click on the trendline option icon. See blue arrow — —->

      C\ Check boxes for Display “Equation”  and “R squared”

           on the bottom of the popup box. See green arrows.
      D\ Position  the regression equation and RSQ
            appropriately within the chart field.  

Note: The A1-Ch2 Assignment covered formatting charts
so, if need be, you can review the material provided in that




10\ Format, title, and label the Residual Plot. 

C. Complete Assignment Submission Form:

1\ Copy & Paste —
               ● the SLR Relationship Between 2 Assessments Table on page 2, as indicated
               ● the SLR graph with Trendline in the lower left box (on page 1), as indicated
               ● the Residual Plot in the lower right box (on page 1), as indicated

2\ Write your analysis/interpretation in the text box at the top of page 1, as indicated.

Where to start your statement?

A\ What is your model (FM)? Is it good? Not Good? So-So? And what is the basis of your decision?

B\ Following A, this analysis is open-ended.  More than required topics, the following is offered to get you thinking  of the wide spectrum of issues that can be discussed, some of which will help you address whether your model is good and the basis of that decision\application (“A,” above). —

               ●  Strength/direction of the relationship, line of best fit, etc. (SLR Output Table)?              
              ●  Isolating the slope\marginal input\output?
              ●  Visually (SLR Graph with Trendline) does the data fit the model?
               ●  Does the Residual Plot support the use of a linear model?
                ●  Any applicable “Key Concepts” from this chapter or “Cautionary Notes” from last chapter?
               ●  Specific Over\Underperformers and possible explanations?
               ●  Specific example(s) of possible use(s) of  the model? See class notes: SLR Common Business
                ●  Inferences that can be made based upon the level of r\RSQ?
                ●  Inferences that can be made regarding the type\timing of the assessments (see page 1)?
                ●  Inferences that can be made about the population (as you identify it) of students, perhaps
                   about their ability, learning, motivation, schedules, etc.?
              ●  What does your r suggest? Is the value of  your r a good thing in application?
              ●  Might your r-value be too high (What would a very high r-value suggest?)?

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Your statement —

1.  Should contain DATA i(even parenthetically) to support your position.
            2.  Should be a blend of STATS KNOWLEDGE + DATA + CONTEXT.
            3.  May include any issue\analytical tool from earlier chapters to support
                 your statement.

D. Submitting Your Work:

1\ By submitting the work you agree that the work is solely and wholly your work.

2\ IMPORTANT: Submission Forms must be kept as a Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf) or if needed try as an image (jpeg, jpg, or png). Other formats do not open on my end.

3\ Upload and Submit your Assignment Submission Form via the appropriate link.