Random numbers
1. Random Number Creation – 5 pts
Random numbers are used in sampling, simulations and even hypothesis testing, which we will learn more about later in this course. Often random number tables are used, though technology makes it easy to come up with our own random numbers. Beware, however, as many generators follow a prescribed algorithm, so what appears to be random is not! For this question, all you need to do is use the RANDBETWEEN function to make Excel find some random numbers for you.
Part A – 1 pt
In column A (cells 1-10): Generate 10 random numbers from 1 to 10
Part B – 2 pts
In column B (cells 1-15): Generate 15 random numbers from 100 to 1000
Part C – 2 pts
In column C (cells 1-20): Generate 20 random numbers from 7500 to 10000