PSYC 3000

Assignment 2

For this project, we will be using simulated data based on Grady and Hastings’ (2018) research to understand the relationship between temperamental shyness, mothers’ and father’s elaborative emotion language, and becoming prosocial peers. You can refer to the provided research article for more information on the variables of interest and the procedure. The data file is prosocial_2023F.sav.

The variable names of interest and labels are as follows:

SHY                                        Temperamental shyness; higher scores indicate greater shyness

EXP_M                                   Mothers’ emotional language; higher scores indicate more use of emotional language

EXP_D                                   Fathers’ emotional language; higher scores indicate more use of emotional language

ProSocial                                 Children’s prosocial behaviour with familiar peers; higher scores indicate more prosocial behaviour

SPSS Components

  • Run bivariate correlations between all variables of interest.
  • Run a regression analysis with temperamental shyness as the IV and active prosocial behaviour as the DV. Next, conduct a hierarchical regression analysis adding mothers’ and fathers’ elaborative emotional language in the second step as IVs (keep temperamental shyness in the first step).  Report the coefficients of the final step of the hierarchical regression analysis.
  • You need to test all the regression assumptions associated with the final step of the hierarchical regression (as these are assumptions that get reported before the result of the regression). If there is more than one way to test an assumption, you need to provide at least two pieces of evidence for that assumption.

Assembling the Assignment

Write up your results in the following order using section headings, as shown below. All elements must be formatted to APA standards (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, results, tables, figures, caption headings, etc.).

Introduction: In this section, introduce the nature of the dataset (in your own words), state two different research hypotheses that are explored through the analyses of this project and stated in plain English (not statistical) terms. Make sure to reference the provided research article and any other resources used. For this assignment, you need to provide support for your hypothesis.

Correlation Table: In this section, you need to include the correlation table (in proper APA format, including number, title and notes). Use two decimal places for correlations and indicate the three levels of significance using asterisks with appropriate table notes. Write up the highlights of the correlation results in text format. Pick a few correlations to focus on (for example, the strongest positive/strongest negative or the most “surprising” correlation findings. The correlations you do or do not discuss will depend on how you write the data story). When talking about correlations, the objective is not to relist the numerical result but to add interpretation, meaning, and context to the numbers. Within this section’s text, make sure to include the required table callout (i.e., direct the reader to the table).

Assumptions: For each assumption, indicate the specific assumption, clearly noting what the conclusion is in terms of the assumption. Include necessary tables, figures, or statistical results to support your conclusions.

Hierarchical Regression: State the analysis conducted, the research hypothesis that it is testing, and the specific variables used. Write up the results of both regressions (initial one and final hierarchical, each done with the written words followed by the statistical evidence). Interpret, in plain English terms, what the result indicates. Explain to the reader why the two regressions were done and the differences between them.

Conclusion: Inform the reader of themost important result from all the analysis above. Then in another 2 to 3 sentences, you want to go beyond data and link /infer/expand on what data tells us and its implications to the real world. Be careful not to go WAY beyond what the data suggests (it is a single study, and all studies have limitations).