MGT 550 Communications Template

Southern New Hampshire University

Using the Communications Template, identify two overall issues that are present in the final project case that can be addressed using internal and external communications. For each issue, note the red flags that contribute to the issue and list those factors in the first column in the template. For each factor, identify potential communications that would need to be developed to address that component of the issue, the audience that the communication would need to reach, and the objective for the communication.

From this template, you should be able to select one of the two issues to focus on for the purpose of your final project and develop the ideas you have noted

MGT 550 Communications Template

Overall Issue to Be Addressed 
Contributing Factors to IssueCommunication Required to Address IssueAudience for Communication(Internal or External or Both) Communication Objectives
Overall Issue to Be Addressed  
Contributing Factors to IssueCommunication Required to Address IssueAudience for CommunicationCommunication Objectives