Lab One – Basic Word and Excel Functions
Microsoft Office consists of a suite of productivity software packages (applications). This lab illustrates two of the Microsoft Office software package. An exercise for each of the packages is to be completed for:
- Word.
- Excel.
Each exercise demonstrates your basic knowledge and ability to use the fundamental functions and features of the software package. If you have previously been exposed to the application software, the exercises may seem elementary in which case, they should refresh your knowledge. If this is your first exposure and time using the software, the exercises are rather simple and will provide you the basic knowledge you will need to work and complete the other lab assignments for this course. If you have any difficulty doing the assignments, use the Microsoft Help (?) available or the Internet to search for examples that might assist you.
ASSIGNMENTS: Word and Excel.
Purpose: To use various fundamental Word functions such as Spell Check, formatting a document, setting up bullet item lists, inserting header and footer information, and correcting erroneous punctuation and grammar.
Files needed:
Save your file as:
- Start Word.
- Locate the file “Word_Exercise_1“and open the file.
- Rename the file as indicated above.
- Save the renamed file in a location of your choice.
NOTE: You should save your work periodically on either a Flash Drive or on the “H” drive assigned to you to avoid having to re-enter work if a problem is encountered. If a problem occurs, you will only have to recover from the last time you saved your work.
- Set the top margin to 1 inch.
- Set the left and right margins to 1.3 inches.
- Position your cursor to the top of the page.
- Highlight the entire document.
- Set the font to “Times New Roman”
- Set the font size to 12.
- Set the Line Spacing to Single.
- Position the cursor at the top of the page.
NOTE: This can be done easily by depressing the CTRL + HOME key.
- Set the font size to 16.
- Set the font for the three paper heading lines to BOLD.
- Center the cursor for data entry of the document heading information.
Guidelines for the step 5 that is a little bit confusing: It says you need to create a head (not header/footer that are different tasks) at the top of the page. This head need to be in the center of the page and you need to set the font size to 16.
It contains three paper heading lines that is bold and with the font size 16, like the following example:
Shirin Hasavari, COSC 111 and Section 005
February 2nd, 2018
- Type the paper title centered– PROJECT MANAGEMENT
- Enter a blank line by pressing the ENTER key.
- Type the paper second line of heading centered – Your Name and Section Number.
- Enter a blank line by pressing the ENTER key.
- Type today’s date centered in the third line of paper heading.
- Enter a blank line by pressing the ENTER key.
- Position the cursor at the left margin.
- Find the list of Project Management activities and make a bulleted list of the items.
NOTE: The list can be found immediately after the sentence ending with …activities:”
- Enter a blank line after the line containing the colon.
- Indent for the list five spaces and align the bullet items
- Do not enter a blank line after the last bullet item.
- Left justify and type the next sentence containing “fifty cents.”
- Enter a blank line after the sentence containing “fifty cents” and (P/M) at the end of the sentence.
- Change all references in the document from (P/M) to (PM).
- Indent five characters for the next sentence and new paragraph (you can set the tab accordingly for all new paragraphs).
- Enter a blank line after the sentence ending with “…could be devastating.”
- Indent five characters for the next new paragraph.
- Enter a blank line before the sentence beginning with “The process is simple…”
- Indent five characters for the next new paragraph.
- Spell Check the document correcting any and all misspelled words.
- Carefully Proof Read and check and correct any and all punctuation and/or grammar errors in the paper.
- Add a Footer with a page number after the paper footer labeled – Project Management – Page – x
Purpose: To use fundamental Excel functions such as formatting header and footer information, calculating columnar totals and cross foot row totals, and formulas such as “Average.”
Files Needed:
Save your file as:
LastName_First) Name_Excel1.
- Start Excel.
- Locate the file “Excel_Exercise_1“and open the file.
- Rename the file as indicated above.
HOTE: Be sure to save this file AFTER completing this assignment. You will need this file as one of the input files for Excel Lab Four.
- Save the renamed file in a location of your choice.
NOTE: You should save your work periodically on either a Flash Drive or on the “H” drive assigned to you to avoid having to re-enter work if a problem is encountered. If a problem occurs, you will only have to recover from the last time you saved your work.
- Make sure the worksheet view is set to 100%.
- Center all header lines.
- Enter the Company Name – The Latest Fashion Trends, Inc. – at the top of the worksheet.
- Position the cursor to make the “active cell” A11.
- In this cell, A11, type Total Revenue.
- In cell B11, sum cells B3 through B10.
- In cell C11, Sum cells C3 through C10.
- In cell D11, sum cells D3 through D10
- Position the cursor in cell H2 and type “Item Total”.
- In cell H3, sum cells B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, and G3.
- Complete totals for rows 4 through 10.
- In cell H11, sum cells H3 through H10.
- Position the cursor in cell J2 and type “Monthly Average”.
- In cell J3, calculate the monthly average dividing cell H3 by 6 or use the Average function.
- Complete the same calculation for rows 4 through 10.
- Enter footer with your name centered in the footer.
HOTE: Be sure to save this file AFTER completing this assignment. You will need this file as one of the input files for Excel Lab Four.
Remember: All assignment material is to be submitted electronically via Blackboard. Make sure your name, course number, section, and date is included.
Grading Matrix:
Word Document:
- 1 point – page header: centered as follows:
- Line One – bold – Paper Title
- Line Two – Your Name, Course Number and Section
- Line Three – Date
- 1 point – Bullet items
- 1 point – spelling
- 1 point – punctuation and grammar
- 1 point – footer
- 1 point – line spacing, fonts, and margins
EXCEL Workbook:
- 1 point – heading and footer.
- 2 points – total row calculations
- 2 points – Item Total column calculations
- 2 points – Monthly Average column calculations