Exercise Design study
Research Objective:
The primary objective of this research is to assess how ethical influences can help reshape cybersecurity leadership and improve data privacy protection
Survey Overview.
Please read and response to all questions. For Demographic questions, click on choose an item then use the scroll down arrow to select a response. Each survey question is an open-ended question. The aim is to solicit detail information from you with regards to each topic. Please use the box provided to enter your response. Your knowledge will help to enhance this research for future studies. Thank you in advance for your participation. Please contact the principal investigator at gefiagbor@captechu.edu if you have any questions
Demographic Questions:
1. Are you over 18 years. Yes
2. Do you have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in cybersecurity. Yes
3. Race Black or African American
4. Sex Male
Survey Questions
RQ1. What challenges have you encountered while promoting better cyber security leadership through ethical approaches?
Exercise Design study
IQ2. How can ethical considerations be integrated into your cybersecurity leadership training programs?
IQ3. Does your organization carry out regular data privacy trainings? If yes, do you follow up with employees like testing them to determine if they participated effectively?
IQ4. Who are the participants in the organization’s data privacy trainings? Has any employee been fired or suspended for not participating effectively during data privacy trainings.
IQ5. Are there any legal or industry standards you adhere to when making decisions about cyber security leadership and data privacy protection?
Exercise Design study
RQ6. How confident are you in the effectiveness of your organization’s current strategies for data privacy protection?
IQ7. Has your organization ever encountered data breach. If yes, how was the situation handled.
RQ8. What strategies do you employ to ensure ethical considerations are integrated into data privacy protection decisions?
IQ9. Are there any organizations or stakeholders outside your organization that you consult with regarding ethical issues related to cyber security leadership and data privacy protection?
IQ10. What changes would you make to improve your organization’s current data privacy protection practices?