ENS 340 Written Assignment #2

        ENS 340 Written Assignment #2

(30 points – corrected to 15-points)



Michael is a 48-year old CEO and ex-college recreational athlete who is now de-conditioned and a little overweight (15-to-20 lbs. over his healthy weight). His most recent physical exam revealed no health concerns other than the fact that his doctor suggested he participate in a regular regimen of activity or exercise which he has wanted to do for some time now, but just uncertain on what to do. His current physical activity is comprised of walking his dog for about 15-to-20 minutes daily, playing golf socially with friends about two-to-three times per month (using carts) and participating in the odd game of pick-up basketball with his co-workers every second weekend at the local YMCA. He does experience some mild, low back discomfort occasionally after his golf or basketball, and after long days of sitting at his desk. As a start to making some change, he participated in his company’s health fair which included the opportunity to undergo movement screen evaluations (bend-and-lift, overhead reach). These screens revealed the following movement dysfunctions:

  • Bend-and-lift: T-position in the lowered position; increased lumbar lordosis, ankle pronation and knee valgus, quad dominance.
  • Overhead reach: Spinal movement (increased lordosis), internal humeral rotation

He has expressed a desire to add some muscle mass to his physique to improve his appearance and would also like to improve his cardiorespiratory efficiency to improve his basketball game because he feels he fatigues too easily. Most importantly, he has his 30-year high school reunion four months from today (18-weeks) and would like to achieve his goals by then. Although his work schedule is somewhat tight, he is committed to exercising three times per week for about 60-minutes, but he does plan to progress to four times per week 8-weeks from today after completing a big company project he is working on. He also has a 1-week work conference to attend 6-weeks from today, plus a 1-week family vacation scheduled in 13-weeks from today.


Using the templates provided (downloadable word document), type (not written please) your ideas and strategies in the spaces provided.

  • The project is a group collaboration (2-to-3 students per group).
  • List names of each student alphabetically (last name, first name) on the template
  • Please submit a hardcopy via Canvas – uploaded as a Word (doc. Docx) or PDF file by the assigned deadline.
  • Assignment is scored out of 30 points, but it will be corrected to a final score out of 15 points.

Name(s): ____________________________________________            Date: __________________

Needs Assessment (5 points)

  1. Evaluation of Desired Activities (check all appropriate boxes that you believe will need to be addressed through the program):

Fundamental Preparation

Thoracic SpineLumber Spine
GlenohumeralST segment
Isolated Muscle Strengthening

Foundational Training

Bend-and-lift Patterns
Single-leg Patterns
Push Patterns
Pull Patterns
Spiral / Rotational Patterns

Functional Training

Physical Fitness Parameter
Aerobic Fitness (efficiency)Mobility (flexibility)
Anaerobic Fitness (capacity)Agility
Balance (static and dynamic)Reactivity
Movement Pattern TrainingCoordination
Muscular EndurancePower
Muscular DevelopmentQuickness and Acceleration
Muscular StrengthSpeed

Program Layout

  1. Macrocycle and Mesocycle (9 points):     
  2. Develop a legend (see example below) to identify your training mesocycles.
  3. Label each row by mesocycle parameter and identify the timelines for each in his training program – consider his schedule and commitments. 
  4. This is ONLY an example – develop you own table specific to Michael’s needs.
Stability – PIXXXXX Off   
Int. movement (unloaded)   XXXOff   
Anaerobic – Cap/Power      OffACACAC
Muscular End/Dev/St/Pow   MEMEMDOffMDMDMS
Balance – Static/DynamicSBSBSBDBDB Off   
Agility      Off XX
Coordination      OffXXX
Reactivity      Off XX
SAQ      Off   

Off = Offload week

Row 1 = Static and PNF stretchingRow 2 = Position isometricsRow 3 = Movement patterns Row 4 = Core activation, conditioning, and powerRow 5 = Aerobic (steady state/ aerobic intervals)Row 6 = Anaerobic capacity or powerRow 7 = Endurance, development, strength or power Row 8 = Static and dynamic balance Row 9 = Agility training Row 10 = Coordination training Row 11 = Reactivity training Row 12 = SAQ

Michael’s Macrocycle and Mesocycles (add additional rows as needed)


Row 1: ___________________________.    Off Loads / Deloads: __________________________.

Row 2: ___________________________.

Row 3: ___________________________.

Row 4: ___________________________.

Row 5: ___________________________.

Row 6: ___________________________.

Row 7: ___________________________.

  • Microcycle #1 (8 points)
  • Week One: You have 3, 60-minute sessions this week. Using the space provided design ONE of the three 60-minute sessions.

In the table below, list the training parameters you plan to train this week (hint: parameters should align with those identified in your macro- and mesocycle table).

Parameters trained          

In the following table, provide 1-to-2 strategies you may use for each (applicable) section of the session (only fill the squares that are appropriate to what you would train).


In this table, provide a sequence of the exercises or activities (with variables) that will be used during your warm-up, build (if applicable) and train phases – add additional rows as needed.

  • If cardio is planned, adjust column titles for cardio section.
Exercise / Movement / ActivitySetsRepsTempoRest IntTimeNotes
  • Microcycle #2 (8 points)
  • Week Fifteen: You have 4, 60-minute sessions this week. Using the space provided design ONE of the four 60-minute sessions.

In the table below, list the training parameters you plan to train this week (hint: parameters should align with those identified in your macro- and mesocycle table).

Parameters trained          

In the following table, provide 1-to-2 strategies you may use for each (applicable) section of the session (only fill the squares that are appropriate to what you would train).


In this table provide a sequence of the exercises or activities (with variables) that will be used during your warm-up, build (if applicable) and train phases – add additional rows as needed.

  • If cardio is planned, adjust column titles for cardio section.
Exercise / Movement / ActivitySetsRepsTempoRest IntTimeNotes