Delta’s equity value

Question 1

Delta Inc.

  • What is a reasonable estimate of Delta’s equity value at December 31, 2017?
  • The value date is December 2017

Two similar publicly traded similar firms have (i) no debt; and (ii) a cost of equity of 13% and 15% (essentially their unlevered pre tax WACC return).  However, Delta has  debt, and its long-term constant D/(D + E) ratio is 0.16. Use debt rate of 5%.

For the DCF method, use these projections, which are in millions. The FCFE projections include income taxes at a 40% rate. 

Projections20182019 202020212022
EBITDA4043 464149
Free cash flow to Delta equity after debt service1516 2214 recession24

Sale Price in 2022: For the December 31, 2022 terminal enterprise value (TV), you will (a) assume a competitor buys Delta at a ratio of 8x EV/EBITDA in December 2022. On that date, net debt is zero.

Question 2:

  1. You are working with Triton Inc., a low-tech, call center services firm with $135 million in revenue over the last 12 months.
  2. Triton info:
    1. EBITDA was $11 million for last 12 months;
    1. EBITDA was consistently profitable the last five years;
    1. EBITDA growth rate is 12%.
  3. The chart has pricing on similar firms sold in M&A deals.
  4. What is your estimate of the value of Triton in an M&A deal? Use n EBITDA ratio of your choice and explain. Triton has net debt of zero.
M&A Deal: Buyer/TargetDateEV/SalesEV/EBITDATarget growth rate


Tell Inc. is a publicly traded, low-tech firm, and it has a profitable record over the last 10 years.

Tell earnings growth growth was below the average of US publicly traded companies, and Tell’s stock trades at a below-average P/E. multiple.

Tell has not paid a cash dividend over the last 10 years.

The company has $200 million in cash on its balance sheet. Total assets are $1 billion. Tell has no debt on its balance sheet. (i.e., all equity or negative ‘net debt’.)

Tell announces a new cash dividend of $10 million per year, and, at the same time the company announces a $100 million share repurchase immediately.

Provide at least two (2) reasons for why Tell Inc. made this decision. No calculations are required.