Assessment Task 1 – Coversheet

  1. List two types of ICT networks. Include a description of their configuration in your answer.
  2. Complete the following table about network attacks, vulnerabilities and security technologies.
 Network attack 1Network attack 2
List two types of network attack. Briefly describe the type of attack.  
Outline the vulnerabilities of the ICT system that may have led to each of the attacks.  
List a security technology that can prevent such an attack  

3. With the expansion of cloud services and new technologies, the use of mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT), there have also emerged a number of security issues. List two examples of emerging security issues.

4. Outline the terms auditing and penetration testing that can be used to measure a network’s security.

Pattern detection and recognition involve sifting through messages using a predefined pattern book. This helps to identify anomalies by recognizing deviations from established data patterns.Correlation analysis entails gathering logs from diverse sources and systems, then organizing pertinent messages related to a specific event. This technique aids in discovering relationships among data points that might not be evident within a single log entry.

5. Outline two logging analysis techniques that can be used to measure the security of a network

6. Outline two types of security measures that can be put in place in a network

Virtual private networks (VPNs) encode connections linking an endpoint to a network, typically across the internet. Remote-access VPNs primarily employ IPsec or Secure Sockets Layer for validating communication between the network and a device, ensuring secure authentication.

7. List a type of software that can be used for network security and summarise its capabilities

8. List a type of hardware that can be used for network security and summarise its capabilities

9. Given the importance of network security, describe the key features that a network security policy should include, as well as procedures that should be included.

10. Outline two network management and security process controls that can be put in place to ensure network security.

11. Outline the process of developing risk management plans and procedures as part of network security planning

12. Explain how risk management should be built into cost analysis and budgeting of network security. Give an example to illustrate your answer