Anova: Single Factor – We will use the Anova Single Factor test to compare the survey response of MIS 301 Students classified by a single factor (classification variable).
Running the Anova Test
1. From the Class Survey Data File, Anova sheet —
2. Click on the Data Tab → Data Analysis → Select Anova: Single Factor
Pop Up Box Inputs
- Input Range: Highlight/Select all data cells, including the Data Headings**
B. Grouped by Columns (Default Choice)
C. Labels in the first row
D. Alpha = .10
E. Output Range: Anywhere other than over the data set
**EXAMPLE: The cells outlined in green are selected.
Formatting the Output Tables:
1. Set column widths so all headings are legible
2. Set numbers to 3 or 4 decimal places (Whole numbers can be left as is.)
3. Delete:
a) the empty row between “Anova: Single Factor” and “SUMMARY”
b) one of the two empty rows between the first table and the word ANOVA of the second table
so there is only one empty row between tables
c) the empty row (if there is one) between the Within Groups and Total in the Anova table
D. Title your output, along with making it clean and business-like.
Submitting Your Work
1. Complete the C 12 Submission From*
2. Copy & Paste the Summary Statistic Table and Anova Output Table to the Submission Form, where
indicated and resizing so the tables fill the image box. Do NOT submit the raw data.
3. By submitting the form you agree the written words are solely yours and of your work.
4. IMPORTANT: Submission Forms must be kept as a Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF
(.pdf) or if needed try as an image (jpeg, jpg, or png). Other formats do not open on my end.
*Reminder: 6 Steps of a HT –
- State the null and alternative hypothesis
- Set Alpha
- Test Statistic
- Critical Value(s) or P-value
- Test Decision
- Application\Interpretation\Explanation of Step 5 to context