7-1 Milestone Four: Implementation and Conclusion

OL 751 Milestone Four Rubric: Implementation and Conclusion Overview: This milestone completes your detailed HR proposal, which should include, on the whole, a combination of the concepts that you have learned during your time in the Human Resource Management program. You will be submitting a draft of the final two sections, implementation and conclusion, of your proposal. You will receive feedback from your instructor regarding the cover letter. Implement this feedback into your final version of the human resource strategy proposal. Prompt: In this section, you should explain how you would approach your HR strategy should this proposal be accepted. Include strategies on how to manage talent development and workforce planning, followed by an analysis of a measureable return on investment and how the role of the human resources department would change with regard to employee negotiations and interactions. In this final section of the text, you will summarize your proposal and explain how and why your HR strategy proposal is worthy of implementation, while highlighting the practical implications of your proposal for your target audience of a senior management team. You should also discuss how you will ensure that your proposal conforms to ethical standards and legal requirements in the workplace. Support your ideas and strategy with outside resources to provide a summary of viewpoints on this matter and explain how your strategy is the best choice. Guidelines for Submission: The proposal should be of sufficient length to communicate your implementation and conclusion as described above. Your implementation and conclusion draft should be in a professional format to include all necessary elements that one would find in a proposal, such as a title page, table of contents, and professional bibliography using APA format. The document should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value

Timeliness Submits detailed draft of project proposal by deadline Does not submit detailed draft of project proposal by deadline


Acceptance Strategy Explains HR strategy should this proposal be accepted and how the role of the human resources department would change in a progressive-minded business partnership role as opposed to being administrative in nature

Does not explain HR strategy should this proposal be accepted or how the role of the human resources department would change in a progressive-minded business partnership role as opposed to being administrative in nature


Talent Development and Workforce Planning

Includes information on how to manage talent development and workforce planning

Does not include information on how to manage talent development and workforce planning


Return on Investment Includes an analysis of a measureable return on investment Does not include an analysis of a measureable return on investment


HR Strategy Summarizes proposal and explains how and why student’s HR strategy proposal is worthy of implementation, while highlighting the practical implications of the proposal for the target audience of senior management

Does not summarize proposal or explain how and why student’s HR strategy proposal is worthy of implementation, while highlighting the practical implications of the proposal for the target audience of senior management


Ethics and Legality Includes discussion of how student will ensure that the proposal conforms to ethical standards and legal requirements in the workplace

Does not include discussion of how student will ensure that the proposal conforms to ethical standards and legal requirements in the workplace


Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Earned Total 100%