5-1 Milestone Three: Proposal Content
HR Strategy Proposal
Vision and Mission
Describe the company’s vision and mission and how your proposal helps to advance it.
Outlook and Approach
Discuss how your proposal supports a global outlook. Establish why a global outlook is important and how your proposal helps to advance that.
Analysis and Decision
Making One of the criticisms of HR is that often based on subjective factors. HR is becoming more of a decision science like Finance. How will your proposal make data-driven decisions.
Risk Management
How does your proposal protect the integrity of the business?
Customer Service and Negotiation
Describe key customers and stakeholders that are important to your proposal and how the relationships can strengthen.
Data Analysis
Give evidence to support that your recommended approach is based. Anticipate possible criticisms or alternative and give support for your recommended approach.
Acceptance Strategy
Describe how your will ensure adoption of your proposal. What are the possible barriers and how will you address them?
HR Strategy Proposal
Vision and Mission
Describe the company’s vision and mission and how your proposal helps to advance it.
Outlook and Approach
Discuss how your proposal supports a global outlook. Establish why a global outlook is important and
how your proposal helps to advance that.
Analysis and Decision
Making One of the criticisms of HR is that often based on subjective factors. HR is becomi
ng more of a
decision science like Finance. How will your proposal make data
driven decisions.
Risk Management
How does your proposal protect the integrity of the business?
Customer Service and Negotiation
Describe key customers and stakeholders that a
re important to your proposal and how the relationships
can strengthen.
Data Analysis
Give evidence to support that your recommended approach is based. Anticipate possible criticisms or
alternative and give support for your recommended approach.
Acceptance Strategy
Describe how your will ensure adoption of your proposal. What are the possible barriers and how will
you address them?
HR Strategy Proposal
Vision and Mission
Describe the company’s vision and mission and how your proposal helps to advance it.
Outlook and Approach
Discuss how your proposal supports a global outlook. Establish why a global outlook is important and
how your proposal helps to advance that.
Analysis and Decision
Making One of the criticisms of HR is that often based on subjective factors. HR is becoming more of a
decision science like Finance. How will your proposal make data-driven decisions.
Risk Management
How does your proposal protect the integrity of the business?
Customer Service and Negotiation
Describe key customers and stakeholders that are important to your proposal and how the relationships
can strengthen.
Data Analysis
Give evidence to support that your recommended approach is based. Anticipate possible criticisms or
alternative and give support for your recommended approach.
Acceptance Strategy
Describe how your will ensure adoption of your proposal. What are the possible barriers and how will
you address them?